Here in Alberta there are still plenty of days of summer (or at least weather that feels like summer) left. But it won’t be too long until September is here and kids are heading back to school. For parents who are looking to move into a new home before the start of the school year, finding a home in a location near the best schools is very important.
If you’re one of these parents, we highly recommend looking into Leduc. When it comes to Edmonton real estate, Leduc is one of the most sought-after locations to buy brand new homes. As a growing city with a strong economy and many great amenities, there are a lot of reasons why homes for sale in Leduc are selling fast.
What’s So Great About Schools in Leduc?
In addition to all of the other things that make Leduc a great place for families to live, the quality of and options for education there, make it a popular choice for parents.
Because Leduc’s population is growing so quickly, its need for schools is also growing. That means many of the schools in the city are brand new, or not very old. We all know that new schools means safer, more modern buildings where students have access to new technologies and modern learning environments.
Despite the growth of the city, the school’s in Leduc have managed to maintain good class sizes. That means you don’t have to worry about your kids being “lost” amongst thousands of other students. They can have the personal experience of attending a small town school with the opportunities an Edmonton school might offer.
Options for Education in Leduc
There is currently both a wide selection of public and catholic schools in Leduc. The 11 public schools within the city limits are part of the Black Gold Regional School Division. The 10 Catholic schools in the Leduc region are part of St. Thomas Aquinas Roman (STAR) Catholic Schools.
That means there is a grand total of 21 schools in Leduc (and we expect that number to continue to rise as the city grows) ranging from elementary to high school. Plus, some of them are French Immersion. That gives you as a parent plenty of options for where and how your children receive their education.
TriUrban Homes are Right Next Door
TriUrban homes are strategically located near some of Leduc’s best schools. And we really mean near. In fact, some of our brand new homes for sale are literally right across the street from West Haven Public School. They’re also within walking distance from at least two other schools.
If you’re interested in getting into a brand new home in Leduc before the schools year starts, make sure to contact us today to let us know what real estate you're looking for. We’d be happy to make your child’s education a priority in your home. Plus, you never know when there could be a deal on the home of your dreams, so make sure to check out our current promotions.